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Job Seekers

As an internationally trained IT worker, we know that you want to put your skills to good use with a job at one of the thousands of tech firms in Ottawa. WITT is a new employment service to help women IT workers find a job.

The world’s workers and employers plunged into the Work From Home (WFH) experience because of COVID-19. The change exposed everyone to the benefits and challenges of working from home.

The new Women IT Teleworkers (WITT ) program is being launched to connect tech company employers with women immigrants who already have training and experience in IT and prefer to work primarily from home with an occasional need to go into a central office.

The Telework Research Network calculates that a Canadian IT teleworker can save $2,000  per year if they work from home just two days a week.

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With funding from the City of Ottawa in April 2020, WITT is now establishing its team, creating the website, finding IT workers like yourself and making employers aware of this new and unique option. Women job seekers will be vetted and then trained by WITT in work from home skills to ensure they will be effective work from home staff. There is NO cost to you. 

Who is behind this solution?

WITT is the latest in an expanding series of programs developed by the International Talent Acquisition Centre (In-TAC) which is part of the Ottawa Chinese Community Service Centre (OCCSC). In-TAC has more than a decade of experience connecting the world’s immigrant talent pool with Canadian companies. This experience tells us there is a need for what WITT offers. 

WITT is a social enterprise that has experience in working with women skilled in IT. We want to bring diversify to the workforce from both racial and gender perspectives and a portion of our revenues will go to Ottawa women’s shelters. 

For more information don’t hesitate to contact us.

We would love to help you find a job that puts your skills to use and allows you to work from home.