Virtual Consultants

Doris Haddad
Career Coach (MCCC)
MEd Career Counsellor
Doris can assist your organization with its development or reorganization.
Doris can assist individuals with all their career needs.
Doris Haddad
“Strategizing your way to Career Success” is Master Certified Career Coach- Doris Haddad’s motto. A bilingual Career Counsellor, with a Master’s in Education with over 30 years’ experience in Human Resources, Training and Career Coaching in both the public and private sectors. Doris is known in many industries and occupations for providing career management strategies and advice leading to proven results for her clients.
Doris Haddad is also known for:
- Helping employers by providing effective job search techniques for their employees who might be facing restructuring, a layoff or needing a career change.
- Conducting self-assessment exercises such as the Myers Briggs, Strong Interest Inventory and the DISC Management for Leaders and all levels of staff- who would like to discover their personality traits, career interests, transferable skills and leadership styles.
- Career coaching a diverse audience to reach their career goals in various fields including ITP’s (Internationally Trained Professionals).
- Creating self-confidence and enhancing communication skills in helping clients promote their career by selling their skills during networking events, information interviews, job interview and Work From Home (WFH) opportunities.

Louise H Reid
Empowerment Coach
Leadership Consultant
Louise provides executive coaching for women who seek career success and personal fulfillment plus leadership training for organizations.
Louise H Reid
Louise H Reid is a coach, leadership consultant, radio host, and loving partner and mum to 4 boys.
Coaching professional women to achieve both career success & fulfillment in life is her calling and developing our next generation, industry 4.0 leaders are her passion.
Residing in Ottawa, Canada, this HR expert has 20 years of experience in fields of high-tech, aviation, utilities, and non-profit sectors.
Louise has skillfully integrated her industry experience with her bachelor of science degree and certifications in HR, emotional intelligence, coaching & mindfulness, now running her own consulting practice where her mission is clear – to build better lives by elevating women and humanizing workplaces.
Continually leaving a positive impact, Louise has broadened her reach through her global radio show and podcast – ‘the Louise H Reid show’. this in-depth, heartfelt, and insightful show highlights real people, real issues, real conversations.

Annie Rahmati
Web Design
Annie provides creative custom website design, graphic design and SEO services that perform best and drive more business.
Annie Rahmati
Annie has bachelor’s degree in computer software engineering, with over six years’ experience in Web Design and SEO. She enjoys building and designing unique, beautiful and cost-effective websites for a wide range of clients.
She is Google AdWords Certified and proficient in the use of WordPress, Joomla and Shopify. She has extensive experience in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver and InDesign to successfully create webpages, logos, banners, ads and advertising materials.
Annie helps you with:
- Designing effective user interfaces and responsive web page layouts
- Maintaining website by updating content, implementing new technology and monitoring performance
- Creating graphics and marketing materials for a variety of businesses, organizations and individuals, including custom graphic and logo design
- Appling SEO knowledge to web pages